Security Policies and Procedures

Pursuant to Section 21 of the Marine Transportation Security Act, all persons boarding a Marine Atlantic vessel or entering a restricted area within a Marine Atlantic terminal are advised that:

  1. Authorized screening is being conducted at this facility;
  2. Persons are not required to undergo screening if they choose not to board a vessel or enter a restricted area; and
  3. No person is obliged to permit screening of their goods if they choose not to have their goods placed on board the vessel or in a restricted area.

For terminal check-in and embarkation, each passenger must present one piece of government-issued photo identification or two pieces of government-issued identification without photo. Valid government-issued identification must include the passenger's name and date of birth. Digital forms of identification are not accepted. Passengers should carry their ID and boarding pass at all times after check-in. For safety and security, passengers are not permitted on the vehicle decks while the vessel is underway.

Safe Service of Alcohol on Board

The safety, security and comfort of passengers and crew are the highest priorities for Marine Atlantic. For this reason, we promote the safe and responsible service of alcohol on board our ferries. This is done in compliance with the laws of the provinces of Newfoundland and Labrador and Nova Scotia. 

Marine Atlantic’s Policy on the Safe Service of Alcohol:

  • Passengers under legal drinking age (19 years of age) will not be served in bar/lounge areas. 
  • Passengers may be required to present government-issued photo identification to confirm that they are of legal drinking age.
  • Alcohol purchased on board the vessel may only be consumed in licensed food and beverage areas. 
  • Any personal alcohol brought on board may only be consumed in passenger cabins. Passengers seen consuming personal alcohol in areas other than passenger cabins will have it confiscated and sealed for the duration of the voyage. Vessel crew will return the confiscated alcohol to the passenger once the vessel has docked.
  • Marine Atlantic has the right to refuse to check-in and/or transport a passenger believed to be impaired by alcohol. Additionally, if a passenger is believed to be impaired by alcohol on our vehicle decks, removal of the passenger’s vehicle at the destination port will be offered at no charge. The passenger will also be assisted with arranging alternate transportation. Marine Atlantic personnel will contact local authorities in situations where intoxication is suspected and the passenger refuses this service.  

The overconsumption of alcohol has the potential to lead to unruly passenger behaviour. Where alcohol is available for purchase, the crew monitors its consumption and will work to mitigate any behaviours of concern.

Intoxicated and disruptive passengers may affect the overall travel experience of fellow passengers and distract crew members from their required duties. All passengers need to be able to comprehend, cooperate, respond and follow instructions of the crew in the event of an emergency. Ultimately, passengers and crew want to get to their destination safely, on time, and without incident. 

Marine Atlantic is pleased to offer a designated driver program on each passenger vessel. Passengers are invited to ask our bar staff about the program once on board.


Marine Atlantic prohibits the recreational use of cannabis on its property, at its terminals and on board its vessels. 

Passengers who self-identify and provide appropriate medical authorization/documentation may self-medicate in the designated smoking areas on board our vessels and at our terminal properties. For more information about the requirements, please see Medical Cannabis.

Passengers who do not have the appropriate documentation will be denied the use of cannabis.

It is the responsibility of passengers travelling with recreational or medically authorized cannabis to ensure that their possession amount is within the allowed limit.

Transporting Firearms

You are permitted to transport a firearm on the ferry; however, you must comply with the following restrictions as per the Firearms Act:

  • The firearm must be unloaded.
  • The use of a secure locking device such as a trigger or cable lock is required or the firearm must be securely locked inside a hard shelled case.
  • The ammunition must be stored separately from the firearm.
  • The firearm must remain in a locked vehicle, preferably in the trunk. If the vehicle is not equipped with a trunk, the firearm must not be visible from outside the vehicle. The firearm is not permitted beyond the vehicle deck under any circumstances.

Foot passengers must declare the firearm upon arrival at the terminal and are required to use the checked baggage service. The firearm must be unloaded and either securely locked inside a hard shelled case or the use of a trigger or cable lock is required. Ammunition must be stored separately.

Transport of Fuel


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What are the safety procedures for a motor vehicle on the vessel? 
The motor vehicle must be driven on and off the vessel. The fuel tank should not be so full that the fuel will spill on board because of an increase in volume from temperature changes. The ignition switch should be switched off and the parking brake must be applied.

Can I carry extra fuel outside the fuel tank? 
Yes. Extra fuel must be stored in a CSA approved container. The maximum quantity allowed is 25 litres per vehicle. The container must be properly secured in the vehicle. 

What are the safety procedures for a recreational vehicle/trailer on the vessel? 
The recreational vehicle (RV) must be driven on and off the vessel. If the RV carries liquefied petroleum gas or propane, you can carry a maximum of two tanks totalling no more than 65 litres. The gas must be approved for domestic use and the cylinder must be secured to the RV with the valve in the SHUT position. 

Can we bring a portable barbeque with the recreational vehicle/trailer? 
Yes. Portable barbeques with one propane cylinder holding a maximum of 65 litres are permitted with a recreational vehicle or trailer. The cylinder must be secured with the valve in the SHUT position. 

What are the safety procedures for hauling all-terrain vehicles, motorbikes, snowmobiles or personal watercraft? 
These units may be carried in the vehicle or trailer. If using a trailer, it must be attached to the motor vehicle and driven on/off the vessel.

Can I carry extra fuel for my all-terrain vehicle, motorbikes, snowmobiles or personal watercraft? 
Yes. Extra fuel must be stored in a CSA approved container. The maximum quantity allowed is 25 litres per vehicle. If you are using a trailer to haul these units, you are allowed a maximum of two 25-litre containers. These containers must be properly secured in the vehicle.

Why does Marine Atlantic restrict the amount of extra fuel that can be carried on board? 
These requirements are mandated by Transport Canada under the Cargo Fumigation and Tackle Regulations, Section 151.

Travelling With Kirpans


Marine Atlantic recognizes the significance of the kirpan as a sacred article for practicing members of the Sikh religion and acknowledges the right to wear the kirpan while traveling on our vessels. This is a protected human right, and Marine Atlantic permits practicing Sikh passengers to carry a kirpan on board.

Passengers travelling with kirpans are required to:  

  • Keep the kirpan sheathed.
  • Keep the kirpan worn underneath clothing.
  • Keep the kirpan not visible to other passengers.