Traffic and Utilization Information

As an essential service, our vessels operate 365 days a year, 7 days a week. Real-time data regarding recent sailings, including departure information and utilization, can be found here.

Vessel Utilization - Last 24 Hours

Real-time data on vessels sailing from the Port aux Basques, North Sydney, and Argentia ports. The table below showcases sailing information for the past 24 hours, including departure times, vessel utilization and the breakdown between commercial and passenger units.

Scheduled Departure Date Scheduled Departure Time Actual Departure Time Route Vessel Commercial Drop Vehicle Footage (ft) Commercial Live Vehicle Footage (ft) Passenger Vehicle Footage (ft)
2025-02-18 23:15 22:36 North Sydney, NS > Port aux Basques, NL Ala'suinu 1640 3556 1379
2025-02-18 23:30 23:45 Port aux Basques, NL > North Sydney, NS Blue Puttees 1826 3568 941
2025-02-19 06:30 06:28 Port aux Basques, NL > North Sydney, NS Leif Ericson 1921 1820 93

Traffic Details

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Traffic Summary - Quarterly Overview

Fiscal year, quarterly summary of traffic unit types on vessels sailing from the Port aux Basques, North Sydney, and Argentia ports. Quarter one begins on April 1st.

Quarter Passenger Auto Double Straight Truck Motor Home Tractor Trailer Drop Trailer Overwide Commercial Other Commercial Bus Motorcycle Dangerous Goods Temp Control On Temp Control Off Premium
Q4 F2024 30891 9668 806 806 114 9052 9910 120 83 7 0 1543 4995 15032 1219
Q1 F2025 82891 27052 2971 1277 1908 13508 11169 196 183 106 737 1796 6459 18963 1229
Q2 F2025 189932 59758 6422 1595 4796 13736 10871 223 280 233 4807 1762 5281 20153 1095
Q3 F2025 55540 19440 1917 948 348 11086 10445 185 122 37 42 1674 4765 16749 1520
Q4 F2025 15057 4718 316 384 21 4764 5176 52 45 11 0 757 2362 7531 749

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